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xWhat are Calibration Weight Classes?Calibration Weight Classes will let you know the tolerance of the calibration weight you are using. Click the link to read about calibration weight classes, how to determine what class of calibration weight you may need, and the different calibration weight classifications.
xWhat are Calibration Weight Tolerances?By raw definition, weight tolerance is the difference between the maximum and minimum values of a given nominal value. Click the link to read more about calibration tolerances as determined by ASTM, OIML, and NIST.
xUSP 41 Weighing Requirements for Balances and Troemner Cal-Pak Calibration KitsIn December 2013, USP Chapter 41’s revision changed the title from “Weights and Balances” to “Balances,” emphasizing the shift from “minimum weight” to “repeatability” and “accuracy,” defining a balance’s operational range. Read the article to learn more about these changes.
xWhat are the Changes to NIST Class F Recommendations?Significant changes were made by NIST for the designation of Class F weights and NIST no longer recommends the purchase of new Class F field weights. Click the link to read about these changes to determine what ASTM Class 6 test weights or scale weights you may need.
xASTM Balance Calibration Weights ExplainedIf there is an analytical balance or precision lab balance in the room, you will need calibration weights. But knowing what weights you need may not be clear. Read this article to learn more about ASTM calibration weights and calibration weight sets which are available in ASTM Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, and Class 4.
xOIML Class E1 to F2 Weights OverviewRead this article to learn more about OIML weights and weight sets which are available in Classes E1, E2, F1, and F2.
xASTM Weights for Scales: Learn more about our weighing scale weights and their benefits.Working with less precise digital scales or other industrial weighing scales like shipping scales and/or portioning scales? Then read this article to learn more about scale weights and scale weight sets which are available in ASTM Class 5, Class 6, and Class 7. Scale weights and test weights are also ideal for testing commercial weighing devices.
xMass vs. Weight: Key Differences for Accurate MeasurementsDiscover the key differences between mass and weight for accurate lab measurements. Learn why Troemner's precision calibration services ensure reliable results, backed by decades of expertise and innovation.
Troemner Weight Tolerance ChartSpecifications and Tolerances for Reference Standards and Field Standard Weights and Measures
Uncertainty ChartUncertainties for NVLAP Accredited Calibrations as determined by denomination and class
Certificate OptionsCertificates are designed to provide a range of choices in measurement precision, quality of data, and standards compliance.
Selecting Weight ClassesIn order to select the appropriate weight for your laboratory, you must first determine exactly how you intend to use the weight.
Weight SpecificationsWeights are manufactured to meet or exceed the highest tolerance standards for ANSI/ASTM, OIML and NIST.
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Cal-Paks & USP 41Troemner Cal-Paks™ are the ideal weight sets to meet the required revisions to USP 41.
Magnetic SusceptibilityThis report is a comparison of susceptibility results by three different laboratories.
Advantages of Alloy 8Troemner’s Alloy 8 Stainless Steel has extremely low magnetic properties and a more consistent density.
Calibration IntervalsDetermining the calibration interval requires examination of the weight over time and its processes.
Mass Magnetic PropertiesUsing a susceptometer to determine the magnetic properties of a 1 kg mass standard.
Alloy 8 MaterialHow to Distinguish Alloy 8 Stainless Steel Precision Weight Material
NIST Handbook 105-1Specifications and Tolerances for Reference Standards and Field Standard Weights and Measures
Cal-PaksTroemner’s Cal-Paks™ consist of the high quality precision mass standards with low measurement uncertainties.
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WC+A CatalogWeight Case and Accessory Catalog includes weight cases, custom carts, and weight accessories.
Weight GuideThe Weight Guide offers an overview or our weight product offering. Also included are certificate options and descriptions.
Cal-Pak Sell SheetComplete Calibration Service information including laboratory scope, devices serviced, personnel and processes.
Weights & Accessories CatalogComprehensive Weight Catalog includes our complete line of weight styles, cases and accessories.
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Reference Center – Weights FAQS
For a proper calibration, weights need adequate time to establish and maintain a thermal equilibrium with the laboratory before any measurement can be done. One-piece weights take the longest time to calibrate - adjustments are made on a polishing wheel that generates heat and requires 4–8 hours to reestablish thermal equilibrium before any calibration/tolerance checks on a balance. A quality calibration can not just be performed in a matter of days and if someone tells you otherwise then they simply are not following good measurement practices and the quality of the calibration will be drastically inferior. In fact, it is our supposition that if this occurs you are not getting the service that you paid for and you are simply paying for a calibration sticker.
Check for contaminants, scratches, and discolorations. Be sure to look on the bottom of the weight, since occasionally matter attaches itself to the bottom and it may go unnoticed.
The weight error is the measured value correction plus its associated uncertainty (please refer to a Troemner NIST/NVLAP Weight Calibration Certificate for an example). You can use the weight to determine the balance error, but you can never use the balance to determine the weight error. This means that if you want to determine the weight error, you must have a mass standard with a certificate that enumerates the value correction plus its associated uncertainty or you must have another certified weight to make a comparison. If you want to determine the balance error, it is relatively easy if you have a certified mass standard with the aforementioned data. With this information you should know how the weight performs plus or minus its associated uncertainty value. Therefore, the balance error can be deduced by performing multiple measurements to see how well the balance executes a measurement. This, of course, can be recorded and tracked over time, so that a balance uncertainty can be ascertained as well.
It is recommended that if you use your weights infrequently to moderately, you should have them recalibrated once a year. However, if your weights are used very frequently or several times a day, then you should have them calibrated once every six months. Although there are no standards or regulations that specifically address recalibration intervals, this is the industry norm in order to ensure that these standards are still within their specified tolerances. It is not unusual to see significant “as found” failure rates on those weights that are not recalibrated on an annual basis.
“Accreditation” is a formal recognition by an authoritative entity that an organization or individual is competent to carry out specific tasks. In the field of metrology, a third party such as NVLAP or A2LA, totally unaffiliated with the organization in question, ensures the calibration is being performed correctly by technically competent individuals. Accreditation translates to a cost savings in minimizing or eliminating the need for onsite visits by the customer. If your calibration service provider is not accredited, you are taking a risk with your quality control program.
The only real difference between these two organizations is that NVLAP is affiliated with the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) while A2LA resides in the private sector, however, both agencies audit to ISO/IEC 17025 (formally ISO Guide 25). Specific criteria that is covered by both organizations during an assessment include: equipment and environment, methods and procedures, validation of uncertainties, quality system and reviews, record keeping complaints, measurement, traceability, organization and staffing.
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