Our Overall Green Initiatives
Sustainable Business Practices - Sustainability at Troemner for a balanced future.
Troemner Goes Green Technical Paper
Troemner's Environmental Policy
Troemner is committed to creating long-term business and stakeholder value while reducing its environmental impacts.
- Troemner is committed to measurable, continual environmental improvements, and the prevention of pollution
- Troemner is committed to ensuring the company’s operations comply with all applicable environmental legal and other requirements which relate to the environmental aspects
- Troemner has procedures in place to set and review the environmental objectives and targets
- Troemner's Environmental Policy is available to the public through the company website and is communicated to all employees and persons working on behalf of the company
- Troemner will make every reasonable effort to choose environmentally preferred products, services, and processes throughout its operations
- REDUCE to improve resource productivity
- RECYCLE to minimize waste and uncover new value
- RETHINK to enhance sustainability at Troemner

Our Operations
Developing Sustainable Processes
Management systems dedicated to efficiency, safety and stewardship of workplace, community, and environment. Systems include: ISO 9001.
Driving sustainability internally through Green Team, Green practices charter/Tipping the Scale Toward Sustainability Pledge, Idea box, Carpool, EHS/safety team aspect, Sustainability goals.
Engaging the community through EPA WasteWise NJ Chapter, Industry forum event, Greater Philadelphia Green Business Program, Volunteer work/philanthropy.
Using Resources Wisely
Energy efficiency through T8 lights with dimming in office, T5 lights, Sensors, EE policies: EE equipment purchasing, EE equipment settings
Chemicals: Move off to TCE by end of year, Lead replacement plan.
Water: Sensors in bathrooms, Gray water for landscaping
Materials: Green purchasing program, Material reduction programs: office paper use reduction, warehouse paper use reduction, assembly process reduction.
Recycling: Cardboard program, Metal program, Reusable totes, Oil and chemical disposal, Pallet program.
Renewable energy-reducing our carbon footprint
Solar: Renewable energy credits (REC's)

Our Products and Services
Making products green across the entire life cycle.
Design Focus
Energy efficient
- High efficiency products
- Low energy manufacturing processes
- Reduced volume and material use
- Environmentally preferred materials
End of life/repairability
- Warranty
- Repairs
- Take back program
Green Packing Guidelines
Troemner's management systems are dedicated to efficiency, safety and stewardship of workplace, community, and environment. To reduce our landfill waste and reduce our environmental impact, we recommend our customers pack their products that ship to Troemner in recyclable packaging including: bubble wrap, plastic air bags, paper, cardboard, or customer cases that can be reused.
Please avoid packing your items with foam, packing peanuts or other material, which cannot be recycled.