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Troemner Company Overview

Certificate Options

Variety of Certificates available for Weights and Calibration Services


Troemner's calibrations and certificate options are designed to provide the customer a range of choices in measurement precision, quantity of data, and compliance to calibration and quality standards.


The choices are as follows:

NVLAP+ Accredited Certificate - Weights

The NVLAP+ Accredited Certificate provides compliance in both measurement process and data reported to the customer to meet a variety of standards including NVLAP Handbook 150-2, ISO/IEC 9000, ISO/IEC 17025, FDA, GMP, GLP, DOD, ANSI/NCSL Z540-1, and nuclear requirements. Troemner's NVLAP Laboratory Code is 105013-0. This NIST administered National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP+) approves, through periodic audits, all processing and weighing procedures, as well as certificate format and content. Calibration procedures vary by tolerance class requested. For example, for higher accuracy classes such as Troemner UltraClass Series, ANSI/ASTM Class 000, 00, 0 and 1, Class E0*, OIML R 111 Class E1, and E2, Troemner performs a multiple weighing procedure utilizing our secondary working standards to determine the mass of a customer's weight.


The NVLAP+ Accredited Certificate includes:

  • Date of calibration
  • Serial number and ID number
  • Equipment and standards used during the calibration and their calibration due dates
  • Accuracy class
  • True mass value (mass in a vacuum)
  • Conventional mass value ("As Found" and "As Left" for recalibration)
  • Conventional mass correction ("As Found" and "As Left" for recalibration)
  • Uncertainty of the measurement process for each weight
  • Environmental conditions during test
  • Construction and assumed density of weights
  • Weight calibration procedures used
  • Statement of traceability to NIST
  • Helpful list of terms and definitions

Download a Sample NVLAP* Accredited Certificate


NVLAP+ Accredited Density Determination Calibration - Weights

Troemner's mass metrology laboratory can determine the actual density of one-piece mass standards that range in size from 1 g through 5 kg. Troemner is the only private NIST/NVLAP+ accredited laboratory in the United States for this mass calibration service. Troemner provides this service to reduce the uncertainty of calibrating one-piece precision ANSI/ASTM Class 000, 00, 0 and Class E0*, OIML R 111 Class E1 and E2 weights. The process is highly recommended for one-piece weights used as reference standards. Utilizing a balance, a series of measurements are compared to a NIST traceable density standard immersed in water to determine the density value. The data found in this certificate will enable you to make the proper buoyancy corrections when performing calibrations on other weights. This certificate provides you with the information you need for working in true mass.


Traceable Certificate - Weights

The Traceable Certificate is designed for those laboratories and companies that require traceability, but do not need to meet any stringent regulatory requirements. The Traceable Certificate measurement process is based on a single standard and utilizes one series of comparisons.


Information includes:

  • Date of calibration
  • Serial number and ID number
  • Accuracy class
  • The nominal value of the weight
  • Mass correction, tolerance and uncertainty
  • As Found and As Left tolerance status
  • Statement of traceability to NIST

Download a Sample Traceable Certificate


*E0 is a theoretical tolerance that is 50% of OIML R111 Class E1
+NVLAP Laboratory Code 105013-0

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